Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:26:37-03:00Now Serving…Freedom Fries”: The effect of stigma on the political behavior of foreign multinationals in the United States (com Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello e Julien Jourdan)Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:26:37-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:26:24-03:00Political Support for Sale: Cabinet appointments and public expenditures in Brazil (e Renato Lima-de-Oliveira, Julia Guerreiro e André Borges)Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:26:24-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:26:11-03:00Yardstick Competition and Public Spending in Brazilian Municipalities (com Rafael Terra de Menezes)Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:26:11-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:24:15-03:00Now Serving…Freedom Fries”: The effect of stigma on the political behavior of foreign multinationals in the United States (com Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello e Julien Jourdan, Strategic Management Society 38th Annual Conference – SMS, Paris, 2018Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:24:15-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:24:03-03:00Management Practices and Competitiveness: A multisectoral study in the Brazilian industry (com Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, Afonso Fleury, Mauricio de Mauro e Luis Oliveira), Strategic Management Society Special Conference, São Paulo, 2018Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:24:03-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:51-03:00Institutional Duality in Lobbying Strategies from 2004 until 2014 (com Rodrigo Bandeira de Mello e Julio Canello), The Midwest Political Science Association – 75th Annual Conference, MPSA, Chicago, 2017Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:51-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:37-03:00The Effects of Institutions Over Lobbying Strategies (com Rodrigo Bandeira de Mello e Julio Canello), American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 112nd- APSA, San Francisco, 2017Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:37-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:22-03:00Analyzing the Brazilian Cabinet: Weighting federal departments according their political attractiveness (com Carlos Pereira e Ciro Biderman), XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association – LASA, New York, 2016Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:22-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:06-03:00Ministers as Active Political Actors in Brazil: Pork barrel inside the cabinet from 2010 until 2014 (com Renato Lima-de-Oliveira e Julia Guerreiro), XXXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association – LASA, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2015Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:23:06-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:32:16-03:00Political Attractiveness of Multiparty and One-party Presidential Cabinets: A comparative analysis of Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, and Mexico, Journal of Local Public Economics, 2018Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:32:16-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:33:15-03:00Finanças Subnacionais no Brasil: uma seleta de análises (com José Roberto Afonso e Sol Garson), Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, 2018.Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:33:15-03:00
Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:30:11-03:00The Evolution of Theories about the Brazilian Multiparty Presidential System (com Carlos Pereira e Ciro Biderman), Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2015Lapcipp2019-06-10T12:30:11-03:00
Lapcipp2018-09-12T14:23:56-03:00COELHO, D. B.. Minimum Income in Brazil: A New Model of Innovation Diffusion. In: Carole Pateman; Matthew Murray. (Org.). Basic Income Worldwide: Horizons of Reform. 1ed. Houndmills, Hampshire,: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, v. 978023, p. 1-288.Lapcipp2018-09-12T14:23:56-03:00
Lapcipp2018-09-12T14:22:55-03:00COELHO, D. B.. A Agenda Social nos Governos FHC e Lula: competição política e difusão do modelo renda mínima. In: Gilberto Hochman e Carlos Aurélio Pimenta de Faria. (Org.). Federalismo e Políticas Públicas no Brasil. 1ed. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 2013, p. 179-210.Lapcipp2018-09-12T14:22:55-03:00
Lapcipp2018-09-12T12:22:29-03:00COÊLHO, DENILSON BANDEIRA. Political Competition and the Diffusion of Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil. Brazilian Political Science Review, v. 6, p. 56-87, 2012.Lapcipp2018-09-12T12:22:29-03:00
Lapcipp2018-09-12T12:31:17-03:00COELHO, D. B.. Diffusion of good government: social sector reforms in Brazil. Brazilian Political Science Review, v. 7, p. 161-166, 2013.Lapcipp2018-09-12T12:31:17-03:00
Lapcipp2018-09-12T12:19:01-03:00COÊLHO, DENILSON BANDEIRA; CAVALCANTE, P.; TURGEON, MATHIEU. Mecanismos de difusão de políticas sociais no Brasil: uma análise do Programa Saúde da Família. Revista de Sociologia e Política, v. 24, p. 145-165, 2016.Lapcipp2018-09-12T12:19:01-03:00
Lapcipp2018-06-18T13:07:59-03:00Nadeau, Richard, Eric Bélanger, Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Mathieu Turgeon, and Fran¸cois Gélineau. 2017. Latin American Elections: Choice and ChangeLapcipp2018-06-18T13:07:59-03:00
Lapcipp2018-06-18T13:01:05-03:00McKee, Seth C., Jeremy Teigen, and Mathieu Turgeon (2006). “The partisan impact of congressional redistricting: the case of Texas, 2001-2003.”Lapcipp2018-06-18T13:01:05-03:00
Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:58:53-03:00Blais, André, and Mathieu Turgeon (2004). “How good are voters at sorting out the weakest candidate in their constituency?”Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:58:53-03:00
Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:57:31-03:00Blais, André, Mathieu Turgeon, Elisabeth Gidengil, Neil Nevitte, and Richard Nadeau (2004). “Which matters most? Comparing the impact of issues and the economy in American, British, and Canadian elections.”Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:57:31-03:00
Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:55:47-03:00Turgeon, Mathieu, and François Vaillancourt (2002). “The Provision of highways in Canada and the federal government.”Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:55:47-03:00
Lapcipp2018-07-24T10:56:32-03:00Turgeon, Mathieu and Lucio Rennó (2010). “Informação política e atitudes sobre gastos governamentais e impostos no Brasil: evidências a partir de um experimento de opinião pública.”Lapcipp2018-07-24T10:56:32-03:00
Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:49:58-03:00Nadeau, Richard, Maria C. Ratto, Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Eric Bélanger, François Gélineau and Mathieu Turgeon (2015). “Rendici´on de cuentas en las democracias en desarrollo: el votante latinoamericano.”Lapcipp2018-06-18T12:49:58-03:00
Lapcipp2018-06-13T14:45:46-03:00ROSA, Thiago; BERTHOLINI, Frederico. Vida Longa e Próspera: Análise de Sobrevivência dos Microempreendedores Individuais Beneficiados pelo Programa Prospera.Lapcipp2018-06-13T14:45:46-03:00